Fashion Promotion and Pattern Design workshops

During the third week of the Diagnostic stage of the foundation course I chose to be a part of the fashion promotion workshop. During this week we were given a brief to plan and create a photoshoot that would be featured in an upcoming issue of “KING KONG magazine”. The theme of the photoshoot was related to our error project.

The first stage of the task was to create a customer profile for the kinds of people who would read King Kong magazine. I chose to focus my profile on legendary skateboarder and king of effortless cool, Jason Dill. In my opinion, Jason Dill was the perfect figure head for the customer profile as he fits perfectly into the ethos of the magazine with his against the grain style and naturally “punk” attitude.Following the creation of the customer profile I began to design an accessory for the upcoming photoshoot. Using silver and black fabric I decided to create a poncho.

During the shoot there were a few minor technical issues that prevented me from properly executing my original vision. However using photoshop I was able to manipulate the images into an end product which I was much happier with, I achieved this by altering colours as well as adding new graphics.

The following week I was part of the photoshop and digital print making workshop. Through this week I began to use photoshop to create a series of prints that relate to my error project.

Using my prior research I began to play around with simple patterns, however as the task continued I began to explore different ways in which the idea of internal human error could be translated into a print. I decided to use the motif of a skull as a main element within my family of prints.Ultimately I was able to create three different prints that all come together into a cohesive family of prints.

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